Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The passing of another legend: ISIS breaks up

It's official - ISIS is breaking up.  In a surprising announcement earlier today, they've decided they're calling it done after their upcoming tour.  They went on to say,
This end isn't something that occurred over night and it hasn't been brought about by a single cataclysmic fracture in the band. Simply put, ISIS has done everything we wanted to do, said everything we wanted to say. In the interest of preserving the love we have of this band, for each other, for the music made and for all the people who have continually supported us it is time to bring it to a close.
It's a shame to watch them go - they've been one of the great progenitors of the post-metal movement, and their effort from last year, Wavering Radiant, is one of the essential metal albums of the last decade.  My sister and I had the opportunity to see them live a year ago, and they put on one of the better shows I've ever seen - and it was hearing the songs live than sold me on their last album.

I'm sad to see them go, but they're leaving on top.  Good luck with your musical endeavors, guys.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a surprise. I, too, will miss them. They have been a seminal band.
